UH-1D/H Resin Sets

Werner's Wings,1/48 scale
Reviewed by
David Couche

Xtradecal's 1/48 P-51 Mustang Collection will be available online from Squadron.com
48-13 UH-1D ARC-102 HF Antenna Mounts

This set consists of 2 well moulded resin cast pieces, with each having 6 very fine HF Antenna mounts and 2 lead-ins. This gives you a couple of spare in case of damage due to the fineness of pieces or the dreaded carpet monster if one happens to drop one.
Also included is a small piece of card on which a length of white EzLine has been wound. The antenna are designed to be very carefully cut from the block and glued directly into place. I would suggest marking the location for each on the fuselage to ensure the correct locations.

The instructions are very basic in nature, but does supply you with 9 colour photographs of the antennae on various machines, with enough views to enable you have the location positions accurate.
48-14 UH-1D/H Anti-Strella Set

This set is produced using a 3D printer. There are 4 pieces of grey ABS plastic or similar material. The parts consist of a toilet bowl exhaust plus a set of engine and oil cooler heat shield. The actual parts have been printed finely, with little sign of the normal layer markings that show on many 3D printed parts. The toilet bowl exhaust does have some degree of a flash type material on it which will need to be cleaned up. This part replaces the kit horizontal exhaust. Having worked myself with 3D printers in industry, I am impressed by the quality of these parts.

The instructions consists of some basic written instructions but 8 colour photographs for these shields and exhaust in place on various airframes for referencing their location.

From a historical point, this exhaust and heat shields were needed to combat the hand held SA-7 Strella ground to air missile that the NVA started using. These in field modifications redirected and blocks the obvious heat sources that attracted the missile to lock onto the aircraft.

One would need to check you actual aircraft resources to determine if it was fitted with these modifications.
48-16 UH-1H Upgrades

This set is produced using a 3D printer. There are 5 pieces of grey ABS plastic or similar material.

The parts consist of a larger Improved Particle Separator filter for the top of the fuselage, 2 APR-39 mounts ready for radar detection units and 2 Wire Strike Protections System (WSPS) units, one for the top and the other below the fuselage. You will need to either use some fine plastic rod or stretched sprue to make the 2 supports for each of the WSPS units, as is clearly shown on the accompanying instruction sheet, again with excellent reference photographs of locations etc.

These upgrades occurred following the Vietnam war so do not appear on any Vietnam era machines, but later versions. The WSPS was installed in the 1980’s to meet the safety needs of a change of tactics to more low level Nap-Of–the-Earth (NOE) flying.

The Kitty Hawk kit only supplies the upper unit but they were always installed as a pair of upper and lower units.
These sets enable us to create more accurate Huey’s and solve a couple of the Kitty Hawk small misses in correctness. I’m sure you would agree, that aftermarket upgrade/improvement sets need to be simple to use, yet, effective. Well, these 3 sets meet that need and knowing of Floyd Werner’s involvement with the UH1-D/H in the services, you can be assured of the accuracy of the sets. I, for one, will be looking forward to using a couple of these sets in my upcoming build of the Huey to give that added detail.
Thanks to Werner's Wings for the sample.
Review Text Copyright © 2018 by David Couche
This Page Created on 7 February, 2018
Last updated
7 February, 2018
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