Junkers Ju 87B/K/R Stuka

1/72 scale
Reviewed by Mark Davies

Xtradecal's 1/72 scale Junkers Ju 87 B/K/R Stuka decals
are available online from Squadron.com
Xtradecal has just released a new set of decals for 1/72 scale Junkers Ju 87 B-2, R-2 and K-2 Stukas.
The decals are supplied in Xtradecal’s usual polythene zip-lock bag. The instructions are nicely produced in colour, and clearly indicate markings placement. A brief note regarding the aircraft and its station location is given for each subject.
A list of Xtracolor paint codes is also provided for the colours required as well as their RLM codes.
The decals appear superbly printed with excellent colour density and registration.

The sheet reviewed here covers eleven options; some of which are quite colourful, and all interesting in my opinion. The specific subjects covered are:
Ju 87B-2, J9+BL of 9/StG 1 Oblt, Otto Blumers, France 1940;
Ju 87B-2, T6+KL of 3/StG.2 Immelmann , St Malo 1940;
Ju 87B-2 (Trop), T6+MM of 4/StG 2 Immelmann, Libya 1941;
Ju 87B-2 (Trop), S1+GK of 2/StG.3 Immelmann, Nth Africa:
Ju 87B-2, S2+AC of CO II/StG 77, Balkans 1941;
Ju 87B-2, 5688/237 of 237a Squadrigilia 96 Gruppo, Regia Aeronautica, Italy 1940;
Ju 87R-2, 7060/239 of 239a Squadrigilia 97 Gruppo, Regia Aeronautica, Italy 1941
Ju 87R-2/K-2, of B.6-02 Training Unit, Maguar Legiero, Hungary 1943;
Ju 87B-2, 5B+ER of NSGr/10, captured by Yugoslav Patisans, 1945;
Ju 87B-2, A5+HH of 1/StG.3, Bulgaria 1941;
Ju 87B-2, J9 +1H of 7/StG.1, Ostende 1941.
These are superbly produced decals. They provide some interesting colour schemes for any of the available Ju 87B-2/K/R kits in The One True Scale.
It is perhaps surprising that Xtradecal’s new Stuka sheet does not include any B-1 options given that Airfix have just released an excellent new tool kit of the Ju 87B-1 to 1/72 scale.
Perhaps Xtradecal anticipates the new Airfix Stuka being released with parts to make a B-2; which an examination of the kit suggests is very likely.
Zvezda has also recently released a new tool Ju 87B-2 snap-tight kit that looks good, and there are plenty of other brand kits that the decals will suit.
Highly Recommended.
Thanks to Hannants for this sample.
Text and Images Copyright © 2016 by Mark Davies
This Page Created on 16 February, 2016
Last updated
16 February, 2016
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