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F-15C Eagle MSIP II

G.W.H., 1/48 scale

S u m m a r y :

Description and Item No.:

G.W.H. Kit No. L4817 - F-15C Eagle MSIP II

Contents and Media:

192 parts in medium grey plastic; Four parts in clear plastic; one photo-etched fret; clear printed acetate sheet; two decal sheets covering two aircraft


Available online from Lucky Model for USD$59.99 plus shipping



Review Type:

First Look


Very high level of detail; crisp and finely recessed panel lines; full engine detail; three sets of amazing one-piece rockets; clever parts breakdown and engineering; optional position parts including control surfaces, speed brakes and undercarriage; includes photo-etched parts; thoughtful packaging.




An outstanding kit with few, if any, flaws. It is basically is the best kit of this type available in 1:48 scale. Highly Recommended.

Reviewed by Luke Pitt

G.W.H.s 1/48 scale F-15C Eagle MSIP II will be available online from Squadron.com



As a teenager, I had two prominent posters on my bedroom wall. One was the National Geographic rendition of the Space Shuttle and the other was a large poster of the F-15. It was the shape of the plane that grabbed me, together with the tag line on the poster itself "In any weather, at any time night or day”.



Here was a plane that was ascetically pleasing to the eye and at the time ultra modern.  By any measure, the F-15 must be considered one of the great fighter aircraft of all time.





This new kit from G.W.H is a follow on from their two seat F-15B/D version released in late 2013. (see images in the linked review for the common parts)

The kit received fairly good reviews at the time but, there were a number of issues in regard to the shape of the various parts provided. Many of the problems related to the two seat “B/D” version, but others (like the upper body engine blending shape) that directly relate to the single seat version have benefited by those first observations.

To G.W.H’s credit all of these problems have been addressed and are included in this release.

The kit is made up of some 192 plastic parts over 30 sprues with a small fret of photo etch and a medium size decal sheet with two options.


  • G.W.H. Kit No. L4817 - F-15C Eagle MSIP II Review by Luke Pitt: Image
  • G.W.H. Kit No. L4817 - F-15C Eagle MSIP II Review by Luke Pitt: Image
  • G.W.H. Kit No. L4817 - F-15C Eagle MSIP II Review by Luke Pitt: Image
  • G.W.H. Kit No. L4817 - F-15C Eagle MSIP II Review by Luke Pitt: Image
  • G.W.H. Kit No. L4817 - F-15C Eagle MSIP II Review by Luke Pitt: Image
  • G.W.H. Kit No. L4817 - F-15C Eagle MSIP II Review by Luke Pitt: Image
  • G.W.H. Kit No. L4817 - F-15C Eagle MSIP II Review by Luke Pitt: Image
  • G.W.H. Kit No. L4817 - F-15C Eagle MSIP II Review by Luke Pitt: Image
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The plastic parts are very well done and show a remarkable amount of finesse in regard to the detail offered and the engraved panel lines present.

The kit contains a conventional aircraft breakdown with provision for all the control surfaces to be movable. Two highly detailed PW engines are provided that each contain seven parts. The option of two types of compressor blades is a nice touch as it allows you to configure the engines as either a PW100s or 220s.

The exhausts are enhanced with photo-etched parts.



The air intake ducting is provided in two parts a side - both upper and lower - and will be difficult to sand smooth.

The forward fuselage is moulded with open avionics bays on each side, and radar equipment is provided for the inside of the radome. Covers are provided if you do not wish to display the avionics bays.

The option of both angled and flat air intake configurations is a simple and yet worthwhile addition.

The AIM 9x and 120c missiles are outstanding examples of what modern plastic moulding can achieve, they are both accurate and breathtakingly simple.

The cockpit is very well detailed and all that is needed here is accurate and fine painting by the builder. Clear paets are thin and free from distortion.



The wheel wells miss out on all the plumbing details but honestly I would rather have it that way, as I like to add my own. 

Markings are supplied for two aircraft. The decal sheet is well printed with rich colours and good registration.



A second decal sheet packed with stencil markings is also included.






This is an outstanding kit with few, if any, flaws. It is basically is the best kit of this type available in 1:48 scale and comes highly recommended.

Thanks to G.W.H. for the sample

Review Text Copyright © 2015 by Luke Pitt
Images Copyright © 2015 by Brett Green
Page Created 12 January, 2015
Last updated 13 January, 2015

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