RAF & RN Update 2014-15 Part 1

1/72 scale
Reviewed by Mark Davies

Xtradecal's 1/72 scale RAF & RN Update 2014-15 Part 1
is available online from Squadron.com
This sheet is focused on RAF & RN subjects of 2014-15, several of which feature special anniversary schemes. It seems that there will be additional releases in the series to look forward to, since the sheet reviewed here is Part 1.

The decals are supplied in Xtradecal’s usual polythene zip-lock bag. The instructions are nicely produced in colour, and clearly indicate markings placement. A brief note regarding the aircraft and its station location is given for each subject. Unsurprisingly, a list of Xtracolor paint codes is also provided for the colours required, as well as their BSC381C codes.
The decals look to be superbly printed with excellent colour density and registration. They come supplied on two sheets, the normal A5 size and a small one with two eagle-head graphics for the canard undersurfaces of one Typhoon option.

The sheet covers ten options across three aircraft types; several of which are quite striking in their appearance. Two A4 pages of photo images of these more colourful subjects are also included.
The specific subjects covered are:
Hawk T.1A, XX240/849, Royal Navy, RNAS Culdrose 2014;
Hawk T.1A, XX327, RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine, Sqn Ldr G Kennedy, RAF Boscombe Down;
Hawk T.1A, XX350, 208 Sqn, WWI Anniversary, Wg Com N. J. Gatenby/Sq Ldr D. Arlett RFC, green tail, RAF Valley;
Typhoon FGR.4, ZJ925/DXI, XI(F) Sqn, 100th Anniversary, Wg. Cdr C. Layden, with black fin, RAF Coningsby;
Typhoon FGR.4, ZJ946 EB-A, 41(R) TES Sqn, Flt Lt D. Forbes, RAF Coningsby, standard scheme;
Typhoon FGR.4, ZK344/H, II(AC) Sqn, Wg Cdr R.G. Elliott, RAF Lossiemouth, standard scheme;
Typhoon FGR.4, ZK349 GN-A, 29(F) Sqn, Flt Lt B. Westoby-Brooks, RAF Coningsby, in markings carried by Hurricane of 249 Sqn flown by Flt Lt E.J.B.Nicholson VC, the only VC in the Battle of Britain.
Typhoon FGR.4, ZK353/BQ, 29(F) Sqn, 100th Anniversary, Flt Lt Jonny Dowen, with ruby red fin, RAF Coningsby;
Tornado GR.4, ZA461, XV(R) Sqn, 100th Anniversary, Wg Cdr Jon Nixon/Sqn Ldr Conan Mullineux, with red fin, RAF Lossiemouth;
Tornado GR.4, ZA456, 9 Sqn, 100th Anniversary, Wg Com I.J.Sharrocks/Flt Lt A.H.Lock, black fin, AF Marham.
These are superbly produced decals. This sheet provides some interesting and very colourful options, several celebrating significant anniversaries. I highly recommend it.
Highly Recommended.
Thanks to Hannants for this sample.
Text and Images Copyright © 2015 by Mark Davies
This Page Created on 16 December, 2015
Last updated
16 December, 2015
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