Tamiya 1/72 scale
F-16CJ Block 50
Fighting Falcon

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Marcus Nicholls Previews Tamiya's forthcoming 1/72 scale F-16CJ, unveiled last week at Nuremberg:
Tamiya 1:72 F-16CJ (Block50) Fighting Falcon – please note, photos show test-shot and kit is subject to change.

Tamiya has announced the addition of the F-16CJ (Block50) Fighting Falcon to the 1:72 War Bird Series. The aircraft was developed in the mid-1970s by the General Dynamics company to be relatively low- cost, and a lightweight design featuring innovations such as wing/fuselage blending proved such a success that the aircraft has stayed in production even today with various updates and modifications. Some 4,500 have been manufactured.
This model depicts a post-2010 aircraft with CCIP upgrades.

Includes parts to accurately recreate AMRAAM missiles.
The canopy is rendered accurately using a slide-moulded one-piece part and three marking options are included.

A full build of this model will appear in a future issue of Tamiya Model Magazine International.

Thanks to Marcus Nicholls from TMMI for the information and images
Tamiya kits are distributed in the UK by The Hobby Comapny Limited
Images Copyright © 2014 by ADH Publishing
Page Created 7 February, 2014
Last updated
7 February, 2014
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