Roden's 1/32 scale
by Leo Stevenson
de Havilland DH.2 |

Roden's 1/32 scale DH.2 is available online from
I built this kit before the emergence of the Wingnut Wing’s DH.2.
I have to say that I feel sorry for Roden because they have been somewhat overshadowed by the glitz and glamour of Wingnut Wings but this beautiful kit is a reminder that Roden still make wonderful models that can be made to look really great.
I embellished this model with a few relevant after-market photo-etched items from Eduard, and made the exposed spoked wheels using the photo-etched spokes from Tom’s Model works in the USA. These wheels required patience and tenacity to construct, and the courage to trust them to support the model despite their great delicacy, which they do very well. Phew. The shadow effects of the CDL (clear-doped linen) on the wings and fuselage were done with masking and a lightly spray of Tamiya ‘smoke’ colour.
My one problem with this kit may have been down to my clumsiness; in rigging it I used thin black nylon ‘repair thread’ and applied a bit too much tension, making the rear structure twist and bend irreparably, so I had to re-make the entire structure from brass rods, utilising the struts from the original kit parts. The plastic from which this kit is made is fairly soft, so I'm not sure how much of the blame I should take for this time-consuming catastrophe.
The aircraft I’ve depicted is one flown by Major Lionel Rees, who won the VC, hence the scale reference next to the model.
Model and Text Copyright ©
2013 by Leo Stevenson
Page Created 12 May, 2013
Last Updated
12 May, 2013
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