Pacific Mustangs Decals

1/32, 1/48 or 1/72 scales
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Kagero has sent information and images on the debut offering from a new decal line:
Red Series Kagero Decals - Pacific Mustangs Part 1
We are very pleased to announce a new product line: Kagero Decals, available in 1:32, 1:48 and 1:72 scale.
Three decal series will be released under this label, all beautifully printed by Cartograf.
The Red Series will cover the most attractive and colourful aircraft, usually adorned with nose art. Three planes included in each decal sheet will be presented and described in 8 page, full-colour guidebooks illustrated by our best profile artists. The decal sets will provide individual and national markings for all schemes.

The first release in the Red Series is entitled “Pacific Mustangs Part 1” and contains three striking schemes from the Pacific Theater of Operations:
P-51D-25-NA s/n 44-72671, ‘The Enchantress’, flown by 2nd Lt. William Saks of 457th FS / 506th FG, Iwo Jima, June 1945;
P-51D-25-NA s/n 44-72570 ‘Fighting Lady’, flown by Lt. Ralph S. Gardner and 2nd Lt. Chester Jatczak of 457th FS / 506th FG, Iwo Jima, June 1945;
F-6D-10-NA s/n 44-14841, flown by Capt. William A. Shomo of 82nd TRS / 71st TRG, Mindoro, 12 January 1945.
The first two machines carry sexy nose art on the fuselage. None of them has been done or done accurately previously.
Just in time for the new Tamiya’s 1:32 P-51D as well as other Mustang kits in 1:32, 1:48 or 1:72 scale!
The Red Series will be followed by the Blue and White Series. The main differences between Blue and Red Series will be smaller, 4 page guidebooks and the subjects with less colourful markings. The White Series will contain various sets with national markings or maintenance stenciling.
Thanks to Kagero for the information and images.
Kagero Books and Decals are available online from Kagero's website and retailers worldwide

Text and Images Copyright © 2011 by Kagero
Page Created 5 July, 2011
Last updated
5 July, 2011
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