Quickboost continues its prolific release schedule with seven recent
offerings in 1/72 scale.
All the sets are perfectly cast in grey resin with
minimal cleanup required. Consistent with Quickboost's philosophy to
date, each set has been designed with a minimum of
parts, and should be straightforward to assemble
Most are self-explanatory:
QB 72 278 - G8N1 Renzan Exhaust for Hasegawa

QB 72 279 - Su-27 Ejection Seat with Safety Belts

QB 72 280 - P-51B/C Mustang Exhuast for Hasegawa

QB 72 282 - P-47D Thunderbolt Oil Cooler for Tamiya

QB 72 283 - SBD Dauntless Stabiliser for Hasegawa

QB 72 284 - F-117A Nighthawk V-Tail for Hasegawa

QB 72 285 - Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 Stabilizer for Fine Molds
This will be equally applicable for other Bf 109 F and G variants with the narrow trim tabs.

QB 72 286 - SBD Dauntless Life Raft Container for Hasegawa

QB 72 287 - Junkers Ju 88 G-6/Ju 188 A Engine Intake for Hasegawa

QB 72 288 - Junkers Ju 88 G-6/Ju 188 A Pitot Tube and Fuel Pipe for Hasegawa

QB 72 289 - Focke-Wulf Fw Ta 154 Air Intakes and Pitot Tube for Hasegawa

QB 72 290 - B-24 Liberator Radiators for Hasegawa

All Recommended.
Thanks to Aires / Quickboost for the review samples
Text and Images Copyright © 2011 by Brett Green
Page Created 25 January, 2011
Last updated
26 January, 2011
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