Sword Reggiane Re 2005 Sagittario

Sword, 1/72 scale
S u m m a r y : |
Catalogue Number: |
Sword Reggiane Re 2005 Sagittario. Kit No. SW72031 |
Scale: |
1/72 |
Contents & Media: |
45 x grey styrene, 2 x clear styrene, 5 x resin parts, and decals for three subjects |
Price: |
Available online from Hannants for £12.76 and Modelimex for EUR 14.58 |
Review Type: |
First Look. |
Advantages: |
Good quality mouldings, fine panel lines and good detail levels for the scale. Looks to be a straight-forward build. |
Disadvantages: |
A resin seat with belts would have been nice. |
Conclusions: |
An excellent kit of an attractive subject. |
Reviewed by
Mark Davies
HyperScale is proudly sponsored by
Italian fighter design was hampered in the 1930s and early 1940s by, amongst other things, a lack of powerful in-line engines. Reggiane had produced the radial engined Re 2000 Falco which proved to be more successful as an export than with the Regia Aeronautica. Its design was strongly influenced by the time its designer spent with Seversky in the USA, and it had a distinct resemblance that company’s P-35.
The availability of licence-built German DB 601 engines offered the Italians a chance to boost the performances of their fighters. This led to the Reggiane Re 2001 Falco II and Macchi C 202 Folgore. Both were derived directly from radial powered airframes, these being the Re 2000 Falco and C 200 Saetta respectively. They were widely used and generally successful in the fighter role, although the Re 2001 served in smaller numbers. The Re 2002 Ariete was developed for ground attack, but reverted to an air-cooled radial for this role, and so it looked much like its Re 2000 progenitor.
In 1942 the Italians had the opportunity to obtain the more powerful DB 605 V-12 from their German ally, and so the three main fighter produces, Macchi, Reggiane and Fiat, were all called upon to develop designs to exploit this new engine. Macchi basically attached it to their C.202 Folgore unchanged and begot the C.205 Veltro, whilst the other two both developed a new airframes as the Reggiane Re 2005 Sagittario and Fiat G.55 Centauro.
All three designs using the DB 605 proved to be good aircraft, and collectively were known as the 5-Series. The C.205 was the easiest to produce, as it was simply a re-powered existing design. The Re 2005 was the fastest of the three, but Fiat’s G.55 was the Regia Aeronautica’s favoured design, although only by a small margin.
The progress of the war, or rather the lack of it from Italy’s perspective, meant that events would render design merit assessments of 5-Series rather academic. Only a few of any of the 5-Series aircraft had been produced by the time Mussolini was sacked and imprisoned, and Italy became a cobelligerent against their former axis partner.
The RE 2005 bore some resemblance to the Re 2000-01-02 family, although it was an all-new design, and first flew in May 1942. Less than 50 Re 2005’s were built (I have read of figures between 29 and 48). They served with the Regia Aeronautica, the Fascist Aeronautica Nazionale Republica, and a few with Luftwaffe, although in what capacity with the Germans seems uncertain. Interestingly Sweden expressed an interest in airframes without engines, but this came to nothing (a good “what if” subject perhaps?).
Previous 1/72 Sagittarios
I am aware of two previous 1/72 kits of the Re 2005. One from Cunarmodel that was unusual because it combined a resin airframe and limited run styrene parts rather than being an all-resin kit. It seems that from a build review I read a reasonable model could result with quite a bit of effort. I have no idea if this kit is still available, but it’s fair to say it is a rarity.
The other 1/72 Re 2005 is a limited run styrene kit with resin detail parts by Pavla. I own this kit, and although as yet unbuilt, it looks to be one of their better efforts. No doubt needing some work, I feel a good model would result.
This said, I have an unconfirmed suspicion that Pavla is moving away from plastic kits, as very little of their kit range is available on their website. Also their latest aircraft kit is all resin, and they continue to release numerous resin detail sets. With this in mind, a readily available new tool Re 2005 kit is very welcome indeed.
The kit comes in a typically Czech end-opening box with attractive artwork on the front. The instructions provide a parts map, and easy to follow diagrammatic assembly format. There is also a brief history of the aircraft. Text is in Czech and English. Painting and decal guides are quite adequate black & white shaded 4-view drawings. Generic colour call outs are provided for detail parts, and Italian paint names for the airframe.
I have numerous Sword kits, and this one is quite typical of the brand in that the plastic has a more shiny finish than many other Czech limited run brands (the same applies to some Special Hobby kits I understand were tooled by Sword such as their F2 Buffalo kits). All parts are cleanly moulded with very fine surface detail, parts break down is conventional, and the sprue gates are narrow. Just a little flash is visible in places but will be easily dealt with.
The resin parts are also produced to high standards.

Internal detail is moulded on the cockpit walls and inside the upper-wing halves to cater for the wheel wells. The instrument panel and cockpit detail is quite good for the scale, and captures the look of the original. However there are no set belts. It’s a pity as a seat harness would likely be one of the most visible things through the small cockpit opening canopy. This is a small criticism however.
It is interesting to note that the exhausts and main wheels are included as styrene parts, yet slightly superior resin examples are provided along with a resin gun-sight. The clear canopy is injected and is commendably thin in section.

Construction sequence and parts breakdown is conventional for the type, and it looks as if it should be a very straightforward build. All in all it’s a kit that some would define as limited run given its lack of locating lugs and holes, yet in my view it has few, if any, of the negative aspects that such a label can suggest.
The three decal options cover Regia Aeronautica, Aeronautica Nazionale Republica and Luftwaffe aircraft.

All are olive green over grey, although the German aircraft has yellow wing-tips. Decals look to be well registered with good opacity.
This is a really nicely engineered kit that is produced to high standards. It looks to be a simple build with the potential to produce a good model of a very attractive Italian.
Highly recommended.
Thanks to Sword Models for this review sample.
Review Text & Images Copyright © 2010 by Mark Davies
Page Created 23 July, 2010
Last updated
25 August, 2010
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