Model Alliance has provided the following images and information about the next book in their "On Target Special" series:
On Target Special 5
Wings & Waves – The Fleet Air Arm 1919-1939
After the completion of Wings of Silver: The Silver Years of the RAF 1919–1939 in 2007, it was inevitable that we should cover the evolution of the Fleet Air Arm (FAA) over the same period. After the incorporation of the Royal Naval Air Service, along with the similarly functioning Royal Flying Corps, into the Royal Air Force on 1 April 1918, the Royal Navy was forced to reassess its options with respect to its air component. The Fleet Air Arm was eventually formed and evolved into a force which is still operational around the globe today. That said, lack of interest and finance, plus entrenched attitudes from both the Admiralty and the RAF were to dog the service in its early years. However, over the short period covered by this book, the FAA stumbled from a ‘make-do-and-mend’ attitude into a dedicated armed service ready to do its part in the war to come.
In this On Target Special, the colourful markings of the period are examined in-depth and the artist, Peter Freeman, has produced a wonderful historical reference for the enthusiast and modellers alike. The title follows on from On Target Special 3: Wings of Silver in which the inter-war history of the RAF was featured in a similar light. From ugly ducklings like the Bison and Blackburn to the legendary Swordfish and Walrus, all the main aircraft types flown by the FAA are illustrated. The aircraft markings of this period are possibly even more colourful than those of the RAF. We have tried to chronologically illustrate the history of FAA codes and markings from 1919–1939. This second book on the era will undoubtedly be followed by other titles to ensure that this often ignored and nostalgic material is covered fully in print.
The On Target range is designed to compliment your existing camouflage and marking reference material. They are not designed to be the ‘last word’ on the subject, but to act as a great source of inspiration.
On Target publications are produced by The Aviation Workshop Publications as part of a package of products for the aviation enthusiast and modeller including Model Alliance decals and accessories.
Thanks to Model Alliance for the information and images
Review Copyright © 2008 by The Aviation Workshop
This Page Created on 30 September, 2008
Last updated 30 September, 2008
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