Spencer Pollard from Military in Scale magazine presents some images and information about a publication due for release in the coming weeks:
Well, here finally, is the reason for me not building a model for the last couple of months!
Going on sale at the UK IPMS National Championships (and then everywhere else that stocks MIS after that!) this 100 page issue is dedicated to the aircraft that served with the Luftwaffe during WWII, or would have had the war lasted longer than it did.
This issue is full of stunning models and covers a wide range of aircraft types and not just the obvious ones! Many of these are built by some of the leading modellers in their filed and will provide plenty of inspiration for enthusiasts keen to have a go at building a Luftwaffe subject for themselves.
This issue will retain in the UK for £5.95 which we feel is very good value given the quality and amount of material contained within it!
We hope that you like the look of this one-off and that some of you are interested enough in the subject to check it out!
Thanks to Model Alliance for the information and images
Text and Images Copyright © 2008 by Military in Scale
This Page Created on 23 October, 2008
Last updated 23 October, 2008
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