1/72 scale
QB 72 118 -
Hawker Typhoon Mk.Ib Late Stabilisers

These are the largeer late style (Tempest) stabilisers
retrofitted to many Typhoons. The resin parts should be a simple
replacement for the kit stabs.
QB 72 119 - F4U-2 Birdcage Corsair Radome

QB 72 120 - F-117A Ejection Seat with Safety Belts

This is a gorgeously detailed ejection seat for
1/72 scale F-117 kits. Harness straps are cast in place.
The overhead ejection handle is cast onto the block,
and should be easy to slice off and install.
QB 72 121 - Mosquito Undercarriage Covers
These are superbly detailed, simple, drop fit
replacements for Tamiya's kit parts minus the ejector pin marks
(pictured at the top of the page.
QB 72 122 - Hurricane Mk.IIC Cannon Barrels Type B

Beautifully detailed replacement cannon barrels with
hollowed out ends for Hasegawa's Hurricane II kits.
QB 72 123 - Hurricane Mk.II Fishtail Exhaust Pipes

Replacement exhaust stacks for Hasegawa's Hurricane
Mk.II kits with hollowed out ends.
QB 72 124 - Wellington Mk.Ic Gun Barrels (Oval Perf.)

Beautifully detailed replacement machine gun barrels with oval cooling
slots, flared muzzle and hollowed out ends for the turrets in
Trumpeter's Wellington Mk.I. The delicate work on these tiny barrels is
truly amazing.
All Recommended
Thanks to Aires for the review sample
Text and Images Copyright © 2008 by Brett Green
Page Created 04 January, 2007
Last updated 04 January, 2008
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