Academy 1/72 scale
2 x P-47D Thunderbolts
Raul Corral
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt |
Academy's 1/72 scale P-47D Razorback and Bubbletop kits
available online from
Here you see some pictures of my just finished Thunderbolts from Academy, in 1/72 scale. What can I say... they are amazing!
Both were built straight out of the box. Apart from two or three small things we can correct easily, the kit from Academy is a great value for the pocket. One of the two Jugs (the Razorback) cost me just 3.85 US Dollars online!

Everything in these kits fits very easily and fast.
I used simple technics to build and paint them and they look great because the general level of detail is very good for such a small scale and low price. You can follow the step by step construction and more pics on my small homemade website (in Spanish but with hundreds of step by step pictures!)
For the P-47 Razorback "Eileen" (following the pictures included in Peter Randall's website I used Humbrol paintings (RAF Dark Green).

For the Thunderbolt "Rabbit" the painting job was fantastic spraying Tamiya's Titanium Silver X-32.
I used just some paper to build the seat belts... all the rest came in the box of Academy's kit (including the decals). I can not even imagine how could they look if you add some after market parts!
I will build more of these beautiful Jugs in the next months. Revell and Tamiya have the best Jugs in this scale but Academy represents a great value for our pockets (it is cheaper and good). If you are thinking in building four or five Jugs at the same time to make use of all markings from a Decal Sheet go definitely for the Academy kit!!
P.S: Don't worry - I do no get paid by Academy!
Model, Images and
Text Copyright © 2008 by Raul Corral
Page Created 22 August, 2008
Last Updated
22 August, 2008
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