Hasegawa's 1/48 scale
F4U-4 & -4B Corsairs
by Pat Hawkey

F4U-4 and F4U-4B Corsairs |

Hasegawa's 1/48 scale F4U-4 Corsair is available online from Squadron.com
Here are two 1/48 scale Hasegawa Corsair kits, built pretty much straight from the box.
The F4U-4B was built from Hasegawa's old issue which included white metal cannon barrels and rocket stubs and a couple sprues from their P-51D for rockets and bombs. I used rockets from Hasegawa's F4U-5 on this one.
The straight dash 4 was stock other than the addition of the rocket rails, which came from their Mustang kit.

Both Corsairs are painted with ordinary hardware store enamels. In this case, Glossy Sea Blue is a simple mix of gloss black with some gloss blue added.
Orange on the dash 4 is Xtracolor International Orange. Exhaust stains are a tan/gray mix with vertical dark gray pastel streaks to suggest the characteristic choppy look sometimes seen there.
In both cases the decals are mostly kit decals. All the "F"s on the dash 4 came from white decal stock.
The -4B was seen in the November 2007 issue of FineScale Modeler as the victim of a panel line scribing exercise.

The straight -4 wears the raised lines it was born with. Truth be told, side by side it's hard to see that difference between the two unless you're looking hard for it.
The stands I make myself; the data on the bases is computer generated and printed on clear decal stock. As for the options of simulating spinning propellers, you can see my preference.
Though I didn't plan on having two so similar finished together at the same time, that's how it worked out. They make for an unlikely though interesting formation, don't you think?
Images and Text Copyright ©
2008 by Pat Hawkey
except composite images by Brett Green
Page Created 26 October, 2008
Last Updated
26 October, 2008
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