HyperScale is proudly supported by
by Brett Green
RB Productions has expanded into the after-market decal field with
their debut release, Cpt.Av. (R) Constantin Bazu Cantacuzino.
Although the subject of a single Romanian pilot may seem somewhat
narrow, his five aircraft depicted on this sheet are both colorful
and varied.
Click the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
Subjects are as follows:
Bf 109 G-2, "White A", finisged
in a heavy coverage of RLM 74/75 on the fuselage sides with a
dense pattern of mottling in 02
Bf 109 G-4, "White 24", finished
in standard day fighter camouflage with significant overpainting
of original German markings
Bf 109 G-2, "White 20", in RLM
74/75 with heavy coverage on the fuselage sides.
Bf 109 G-6. This is the real
highlight, in my opinion. This aircraft has been repainted in
approximations of US markings, with a gigantic US flag on each
fuselage side, German/Romanian markings painted out and
early-war style US roundels painted on the upper and lower
wings. This aircraft retained the 3-9 Fighter Group badge on the
cowl and the late-war style Werknummer on the rudder.
Bf 109 G-2, "White 4", in a solid
dark green on the upper surfaces and RLM 76 underneath.
The decals are printed by Fantasy Printshop. They are very thin
and carrier film is close to the edge of all the markings.
Registration is good and printing is crisp.
Instructions are supplied on a folded A4 full colour sheet. The
history and colours of each aircraft are called out over several
This is an attractive decal package covering five very
interesting subjects that permits the modeller to
use the markings on several different models.
Thanks to Radu Brinzan for the sample