Reviewed by Rodger Kelly

AirDOC Decals and books
are available online from Meteor
Somebody at AirDOC must like the A-7 Corsair II.
So much so that they have seen fit to release a series of four decal
sheets covering them.
first three sheets provides markings for the A-7 in U.S Navy service
from the glorious full-colour markings of the late sixties and early
seventies to the lo-viz era of drab but still interesting colour
schemes and markings of the early ‘80s through the early ‘90s. The
fourth sheet in the series covers the A-7 in U.S.A.F service.
You might be forgiven for expecting that the first of the sheets
would be the one covering the sadly missed gull grey and white era
of full colour markings but this sheet is full of lo-viz birds of
the U.S. Navy’s Atlantic Fleet.
Markings are provided for six different A-7Es, all in the lo-viz
FS36320 Dark Compass Grey over FS36375 Light Compass Grey camouflage
finish that was applied to the A-7 from the early ‘80s and worn
until the machine’s retirement in the early ‘90s. Details of the
individual birds as follows:
Bureau number
158835, modex 414 of the now disestablished VA-12 ‘Clinchers’.
The markings depict her as she appeared aboard the USS Dwight
D. Eisenhower during the Lebanon hostage crisis in November of
Bureau number
157485, modex 312 of VA-37 ‘Bulls’ embarked aboard the
USS Forrestal but depicted as it appeared at Naval Air Station
Cecil Field Jacksonville, Florida in the United States in 1985.
Bureau number
157541, modex 301, the squadron’s Commanding Officer’s machine
of the now disestablished VA-66 ‘Waldomen’. The markings
depict her from the same period and mission as the first option.
Bureau number
157566, modex 414 of VA-87 ‘Golden Warriors’ aboard the
USS Independence during the Grenada operations in October of
Bureau number
160869, modex 403 assigned to VA-105 ‘Gunslingers’. The
markings depict her as she appeared at Naval Air Station Fallon
at Fallon, Nevada in the United States – the aircraft carrier in
the desert - in November 1985
Bureau number
159285, modex 405 of the now disestablished VA-72 ‘Blue
Hawks’ embarked aboard the USS John F. Kennedy during
operation Desert Storm in January 1991, the A-7’s operational
Support material is quite
comprehensive. It consists of two A-4 sized sheets printed on good
quality glossy paper that show full colour, clear and well drawn
side profiles of each option as well as a generic upper and lower
plan view. Also included is a list of suggested kits, references
(including their own LTV A-7 Corsair II Part 1 - The SLUF (Short
Little Ugly Fellow) in US Navy Service –reviewed here on Hyperscale
and after market accessories available to enhance your scale A-7.

The decals themselves have been printed by the well known European
company Cartograf. Everything on my sample sheet was in register
and the greys used look to be a faithful reproduction. Two sets of
reasonably comprehensive stencil data, national markings and
walkways are provided as well.
Packaging is via the ubiquitous clear plastic zip-loc bag.
A well produced decal sheet indeed!
The sheet is also available in 1/48 scale as ADM 48013.
Thanks to
AirDOC for the review sample
Review Copyright © 2007 by Rodger Kelly
Page Created 28 October, 2007
Last updated
24 December, 2007
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